12:44 PM

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Beginner's Guide

John Onam

How to Best Use this Website

Information on http://www.makemoneybanc.blogspot.com/ is presented in a descriptive step by step way,hence forming a one stop tutorial on Blogging for money with free blogs.This is done so as to carry readers along as I teach them how I make money using the banc group of free blogs.

Hence,when you first approach a post,I would advice you to read it from the begining to the end,and i am sure that each one would be worth your while,especially if i am teaching something you do not already knowmuch about or have not ever heard of.

Although some posts may be lengthy,if you think printing it out and reading later at your leisure is better,feel free to do so.

If I have written a post you think have benefitted from alot,please share it by digg,redditt,stumbleupon or via any one you feel comfortable with- so that other internet users who may be interested or who have similar problem would benefit and share in the euphoria of your discovery and my creativity for free, and without much hassle.

I am still learning as more and more internet technologies,softwares and products are created in their numbers on a regular basis and I would share whatever it is I learn with you all.But I am not an island of knowlege or oasis of discovery,and as a matter of honesty, I do not claim expertise.Most of what I teach here are learned by googling,and some of the money making programs I introduce you to were discovered via adverts some place online.

The internet is a compendium of knowledge, hence I enjoin you to share in the discovery frenzy by sharing with us new programs you have discovered one way or another,in the process of learning. Although I am more of a teacher here,I also am a student when you teach me.So if and when you find anything,please share with us by way of comment,cos I do not want to develop the god complex here. Even if you have just stumbled on something and you wish to get a good understanding of it, I would be more than ready to help you out if you comment.

Furthermore,I would try my best to present all that I know about each topic in a post so that you do not have to rummage through the net looking for additional information. That means that after devouring each post,you should learn something unique to apply to your blogging business.

But,if in the process of applying the lessons from a post,you encounter difficulty, go to the forum and leave a your question. I will dedicate Saturdays to answering reader's questions and observations. But, note that when you are at the forum, you firt need to register.Every other time you want to post,you have to log in before you will be able to post.

Moreover,I am open to requests for partnership from any interested persons.This would help us both because,just as I would benefit from a free article post from you,you will be able to share from my traffic. This partnership would be through providing an original niche-related content for my blog alone.If you are interested,please check the Contact me link at the top of this website to see my email address and send me an email with subject GUEST POST.

I also would be willing to write guest posts free for others who may so desire, but only if you have a pagerank(alexa and google) higher than mine.Otherwise, I would charge you $8 for every 500 word article. This is because the only rational behind writing guest post for others free is to get and share some of their traffic.

Finally, http://www.makemoneybanc.blogspot.com/ would primarily contain posts that describe what I do online(blogging) to make money, and would come one post at a time - on mondays, for the months of January to April 2009, due to the action steps involved and to allow for a general understanding by all readers and also to ensure that all readers questions and comments are treated satisfactorily.

But, as from May to August 2009, the posts would come mondays and wednesdays while September to December 2009 would experience posts on mondays, wednesdays and Fridays.

For each of these periods, Saturdays would be for discussing the week's posts and matters arising at the forum.

What do you have to say. Post a comment using the "comment" link at the top of this post.